On December 5-9, 2022,
the XIX International Conference «Public Administration in New Geopolitical and Geo-economic conditions» will be held at the School of Public Administration.
The conference will be attended by Russian and foreign scientists, representatives of state authorities and management, parliamentarians, experts, journalists, teachers, graduate students.
The plenary session will be held on December 5 at 10.00

The purpose of the conference is to discuss the most important and urgent problems of administration and management in the view of main trends in the development of economics, law, public policy, ideology, civil society, social sphere, international relations and human interaction with the environment; exchange of scientific and practical experience; development of recommendations for improving the theoretical foundations of the phenomena under consideration.
The conference is going to discuss the issues of modernization of the economy, problems of digital transformation of public administration, current opportunities for managing social systems and personnel management in the face of new challenges, prospects for strategic planning and import substitution. Political, legal and administrative aspects of the functioning of public authority, national issues, peculiarities of the transformation of the world economy under sanctions, problems of sustainable business development in the context of modern global processes will be considered.
Participants of the plenary session

The review of the conference will be published in the scientific journal “Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta” Series 21: Governance (State and Society).
It is planned to publish a collection of works in digital form, which will be placed in the RSCI system. The Organizing Committee of the conference reserves the right to select articles for publication. The collection will include the articles of the authors who made a report. Absentee participation in the conference is not provided. Articles must be sent by e-mail before January 15, 2023 to: conf@spa.msu.ru
Requirements for articles and conditions for publication in the conference proceedings collection are described below.
Registration on the «Lomonosov» portal
Sections and Round tables
Moderator: Dean of the School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chairman of the RUSSKIY MIR FOUNDATION, President of “Politika” and “Unity for Russia” Foundations Dr. Vyacheslav A. Nikonov.
Date and time: December 5 (Monday), 10:00 a.m.
Venue: Academic Council Hall of the School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University and videoconference for remote participants. The recording will be available on the channel of the faculty.
The speech of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin at the Valdai Forum in October 2022 determined many important vectors of the transformation of the Russian state and the principles of the world order. The plenary session is devoted to the analysis of public administration in Russia and in the world in 2022. This analysis is inevitably connected with the issues of the effectiveness of various models of government, economic management tools, resources and limits of building a “mobilization type” of management in Russia, different types of interaction with society in different countries, the relationship of external political issues with the internal political agenda, the maturation of the contours and principles of the new world order.
The plenary session will be attended by leading political scientists, economists, sociologists, philosophers, experts.
Moderator: Associate Professor of the Department of Interethnic and Interconfessional Relations Management Dr. Lyubov V. Ulyanova
Date and time: December 5 (Monday), 01:00 p.m.
Venue: Academic Council Hall of the School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Department of Theory and Methodology of Public and Municipal Governance
Head (moderator): Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Public and Municipal Governance Dr. Natalya N. Mitina
Date and time: December 5 (Monday), 02:00 p.m.
Venue: online
Department of Strategic Planning and Economic Policy
Head: Head of the Department of Strategic Planning and Economic Policy Dr. Еlena N. Veduta
Moderator: Associate Professor of the Department of Strategic Planning and Economic Policy
Dr. Narine. R. Arakelyan
Date and time: December 6 (Tuesday), 11:00 a.m.
Venue: online
Department of Sociology of Management
Head: Head of the Department of Sociology of Management Dr. Natalya S. Grigorieva
Moderator: Associate Professor Dr. Maria I. Bubnova.
Date and time: December 6 (Tuesday), 02:00 p.m.
Venue: online
Department of Political Analysis
Department of Political Analysis
Head (moderator): Head of the Department of Political Analysis Dr. Alexander I. Soloviev
Date and time: December 6 (Tuesday), 03:00 p.m.
Venue: online
Department of Theory and Methodology of Public and Municipal Governance
Head: Head of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Public and Municipal Governance, Academic Dr. Sergey Yu. Glaziev.
Moderator: Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Public and Municipal Governance Dr. Gennadiy L. Kupriashin
Date and time: December 7 (Wednesday), 10:00 a.m.
Venue: online
Department of Human Resources Management
Head: Head of the Department of Human Resources Management Dr. Vasiliy P. Pugachev
Moderator: Associate Professor of the Department of Human Resources Management Dr. Ekaterina A. Panova
Date and time: December 7 (Wednesday), 01:00 p.m.
Venue: online
Department of History of Public and Municipal Administration
Head: Head of the Department of History of Public and Municipal Administration Dr. Alexander V. Sidorov
Moderator: Professor of the Department of History of Public and Municipal Administration Dr. Konstantin A. Soloviev
Date and time: December 7 (Wednesday), 02:00 p.m.
Venue: online
Round table: Digital Transformation of Public Administration: State and Prospects
Head (moderator): Associate Dean for General Issues Dr. Pavel Y. Kondrashov, Associate Dean for Distance Learning and Digitalization of Scientific and Educational Process Dr. Yuri Yu. Petrunin.
Date and time: December 7 (Wednesday), 03:00 p.m.
Venue: E-834
Head (moderator): Associate Dean for General Issues Dr. Pavel Y. Kondrashov, Associate Dean for Distance Learning and Digitalization of Scientific and Educational Process Dr. Yuri Yu. Petrunin.
Date and time: December 7 (Wednesday), 03:00 p.m.
Venue: E-834
Department of Regional and Municipal Management
Head (moderator): Head of the Department of Regional and Municipal Management Dr. Vladimir G. Koshkidko
Date and time: December 7 (Wednesday), 03:00 p.m.
Venue: online
Department of Foreign Languages
Head (moderator): Head of the Department of Foreign Languages Dr. Svetlana M. Kashchuk
Date and time: December 7 (Wednesday), 03:00 p.m.
Venue: Shuvalovskiy Building, MSU
Department of Legal Foundation of Management
Head (moderator): Head of the Department of Legal Foundation of Management Dr. Ivan V. Leksin
Date and time: December 7 (Wednesday), 04:00 p.m.
Venue: online
Отдел международных связей Руководитель (модератор): заместитель декана по международным связям А.Я. Лившин
Date and time: December 7 (Wednesday), 03:00 p.m.
Venue: online
Department of International Organizations and Issues of Global Management
Department of Strategic Communications
Heads: Dean of the School of Public Administration, Chairman of the Department of International Organizations and Issues of Global Management Dr. Vyacheslav A. Nikonov; Head of the Department of Strategic Communications Dr. Andrey L. Khazin
Moderators: Associate Professor of the Department of International Organizations and Issues of Global Management Dr. Alexander O. Naumov; Associate Professor of the Department of Strategic Communications Dr. Maxim V. Fomenko
Date and time: December 8 (Thursday), 03:00 p.m.
Venue: online
Department of Economics of Innovative Development
Head: Head of the Department of Economics of Innovative Development Dr. Marianna V. Kudina
Moderator: Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of Innovative Development Dr. Aleksander S. Voronov
Date and time: December 8 (Thursday), 03:00 p.m.
Venue: online
Department of International Economics and Management of Foreign Economic Activity
Head: Head of the Department of International Economics and Management of Foreign Economic Activity Dr. Vladimir S. Osipov.
Moderators: Professor of the Department of International Economics and Management of Foreign Economic Activity Dr. Svetlana V. Senotrusova; Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics and Management of Foreign Economic Activity Dr. Ilya N. Lenkov
Date and time: December 8 (Tursday), 05:00 p.m.
Venue: online
Department of Financial Management
Moderators: Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management Dr. Olga A. Lvova
Date and time: December 9 (Friday), 01:00 p.m.
Venue: online
Department of Financial Management
Head (moderator): Head of the Department of Financial Management Dr. Alla Z. Bobyleva
Date and time: December 9 (Friday), 03:00 p.m.
Venue: online
Department of Interethnic and Interconfessional Relations Management
Head (moderator): Head of the Department of Interethnic and Interconfessional Relations Management Dr. Alexander Y. Polunov
Date and time: December 9 (Friday), 04:00 p.m.
Venue: online
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